Our Girls - Click or scroll down to see what the "girls" have bequeathed us - fabulous kittens on their kitten pages! In the meantime, read on to "meet" our fabulous girls... Some have retired, some still rule in our home, or are worshipped in others, but all have contributed oh so much to their breed and our lives...  We have many stunning girls who have contributed to the consistent quality that defines Emau cats, and they each have their bios on the retired page, but four special girls define who we really are... and they are where anyone who is interested in the Emau story should start.... afterall you can't know where you are going until you know where you have been....

Meet the Girls - Retired

Khepri all grown upCH Pasha Khepri of Emau, DM- Khepri," 1994-2008, much beloved and much missed.  I know that she is long retired and now gone, but her spirit and legacy live on and Khepri is a part of everything we are, she was and is the beginning and thus must lead off the Girls page....Nicknames: Pasha K, "No Touchy Kitty, Eyelash girl, What to say about our beloved "Pasha K"? She was the one who got us all started. She took a piece of my heart from this earth, and to the day she left me she still made me catch my breath when I caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye. She was dictatorial, stubborn, temperamental, manipulative, and incredibly sweet and affectionate. In terms of intelligence - it just radiated out of her. She insisted on having her litters on our bed and wanted us to sleep on either side of her and her "brood". In the morning, she loved to wake me with a thorough face washing (her tongue HURT) and she was the ultimate in a self-taught game of fetch the tootsie roll (never, and I mean never eat a tootsie roll in our house - you do not even want to know where they have been!). She ruled our house, and all within, and was, without question, "alpha female." She could quell even the most aggressive stud boys with one icy green stare. We called it "the look" and it could make even us back down! She was what is called an "old style traditional" her body was muscular and rather short coupled. You might even say that she was stocky. She was built like a power builder or a wrestler and had incredibly strong shoulders. What she lacked in elegance she more than made up for with her head. It was, purely and simply, exquisite. The lines superb and the really good news is that she passed it on to her offspring! Nearly every one of Khepri's kittens had beautiful head type. In December 1999, Khepri joined the elite ranks of cats in CFA to earn what some would say is the most coveted title a cat can achieve: DM. The distinguished merit award is given to those females that have produced 5 or more grands. Khepri became the 5th Mau ever to earn this title and what is perhaps most impressive in this for Khepri was that the five cats that earned the title for her came from four different litters and three different studs... We are inordinately proud of our first love's accomplishments.... She was the first  Mau to produce a DM cat as well.  She lived her life as part of the family to the fullest and as an added bonus, left her breed a legacy like no other.  When she left us she had produced 4 second generation DMs, two National Best of Breed Winners and three Regional winners. She had five third generations DMs and one fourth generation DM who trace their lineage directly to her. 125 known CFA Grands 16 National Breed winners, 24 regional winners 7 National Best of Breeds and two National Winners were descended from her and those numbers will only grow over the years. Her offspring are the foundation for the breed in the U.K., Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden and they have contributed to Japan and Canada as well as here in the States.  She had an amazing impact on the breed and on my life… I am honored to have shared the precious years we had together with such a special soul, and I remind myself to celebrate the glory and the beauty that I have because of that one little silver-haired, green-eyed monster who changed my life… 



GC BW RW Emau's Mau Pounce For The Ounce, DM Khepri's Daughter 1999-2015

Retired now - but like her mother, she is the heart and soul of our program... so she stays here both in our home and on our foundation page...



 So... every once in while, if we are very lucky, as cat lovers we get to see and sometimes even touch or handle a "chill" cat... You know them when you see them and they are not always even your breed - but the reaction is instantaneous - they stop you dead in your tracks when you see them because they take it one step further past gorgeous. They give you an immense feeling of awe and send goosebumps up and down your spine... And then... sometimes the magic happens to you and you not only see one, but wonder of get one of your very own... Pounce is for me, that cat... She gives me goosebumps and ulcers and I love her to death. We are very proud to introduce this Khepri and Soleil daughter as an addition to "the girls". Pounce was Region 7 Best of Breed for the 1999/2000 season and Best Egyptian Mau in Championship and 26th Best cat at the 2000 International. Although she only had a few months to try for it, she nearly earned a Regional win. Then, two seasons later she did the "impossible" and re-debuted in championship where she proved that maturity can triumph over youth. She gave me a dream season of sharing her with the world and led wire to wire as National Best of Breed and one of the top cats in the most competitive region in CFA. Her quirky personality in the show-ring made her a challenge, but memorable as well and her beauty shone through the entire year... Her gift to me of that incredible season was unparalleled... She hated to show, but she loved me, so with humor and intensity that only a Mau can achieve she made her way through twelve long months of campaigning and finished the season looking better than when she began... Then with her third litter she Became the first National Breed and Regional Winner cat to earn the coveted title of Distinguished Merit. She did this in the year where her daughter led wire to wire as National Breed Winner which made it all the more special... And to make it all even more exciting, a year later, Tetris, her son from her second litter granded as well making her one of only two Egyptian Maus to ever produce five qualifying cats from her first two litters... She went on to produce the first Emau National Winner and is the highest grand producing female DM in the history of the breed... Of course, every thing about Pounce is special....

Pounce Pounce can balance Pounce in motion

We are eternally grateful to the magic that created this unparalleled beauty and would like to say a special thanks to Judith Mendelsohn of J's Iris for her Soleil who with our special Pasha K gave me the love of my life; my supposedly unobtainable vision of perfection... What a gift and what a joy to spend my days with such a treasure firmly ensconced on my lap....One look at her on a bad day makes it all worth while... she makes my heart sing and that, after all, is what this is all about...


GC BW NW Emau's Drop-Of-Golden Sun, DM - now retired - Pounce's daughter


"Sunny", We all have show cats that make us proud, but it is a rare cat that can wrap our heart in knots and bring us to tears with their beauty and grace. I had the honor and pleasure of showing one such precious treasure in 2000. Her name was Pounce (GC BW RW Emau’s Mau Pounce For The Ounce, DM). Pounce produced and gave me many gifts, but in August 2005, she gave me a gift I had forgotten I needed… She gave me a cat so special that she brought back the goosebumps and joy that I had not even realized that I had lost. That gift was Sunny, GC BW NW Emau’s Drop-Of-Golden Sun, DM and SHE gave me the gift of wonder.  so like her mother... yet fragile with a touch of joyful sweetness that is hard to resist.  She possesses a long-legged, grace that is breathtaking and leaves the impression of all eyes and all ears- one can lose themselves in the depth of those huge sexy green eyes.... and she has the single most incredible coat I have ever had the pleasure of preparing for a show - dense, resilient, shiny with incredible ticking. Type-wise for me she exemplifies everything I am looking for in an Egyptian Mau and the year of her campaign, although fraught with drama, was one of the highlights of my CFA career; a fairy tale worth treasuring for a myriad of reasons;  most specifically a very special green-eyed monster who, like her mother, wrapped my heart in knots and made me believe.  In May 2009, with her second litter, Sunny became the first Egyptian Mau to earn every title possible for a championship Mau - the first National winner to become a Distinguished Merit cat.. yet another incredible gift to me from this very special cat... then in September 2012 at the tenth annual GEMS show at the tender age of 7, she put a cherry on top of it all. She came out as an open in premiership and left the weekend as a Grand for the second time. Better yet on Saturday she showed with the joy she had as a kitten.   In earning the GP title she became the first and so far only Egyptian Mau  to earn every title available in the showring...



GC BW NW Emau's Touch The Sun, DM - Now retired - Sunny's daughter... four generations that define Emau....

Lark is her mother's daughter - elegant, edgy, exciting, but her grandmother Pounce at heart... Unlike momma Sunny, Lark does not have a fragile bone in her tough little body... she is a tomboy with huge green eyes, breed defining ears and long elegant legs who lives for toys, demands things her way or not at all and expects the world to cater to her... Endearing, infuriating and irresistible... no cat since Pounce has had such a sweet loving nature coupled with such a temper... challenge to show... unbelievable and electric when things go her way.... not so much when she is not pleased... Like her mother she is a hotel snob - she loves fancy rooms, and is miserable in ones that she considers not up to her standards. Like her grandmother, she feels she should be the only one traveling in the car with mom... no other cats and not even other people just HER... in her mind since it is all about her, that is the way it should be... and of course the way it is... She does, afterall hold all the cards and is working on worming her way around my heart... It seems almost impossible that I have been so lucky to have had the honor and the privilege to show three such special creatures and above and beyond that... I share my life with them...

Sad we never got a photo to capture the beauty that is Lark... she truly is living art in every sense of the word!



Meet the Girls - Current

GC RW Emau's Rumor Has It, DM - "Rumor"- breathtaking, exciting, exuberant... this special child makes giving goosebumps her specialty

Rumor is the electrifying daughter of Lisbon and Footloose and with parents like that its not hard to see why she is so very very special.  My judging schedule made it difficult to get her out and this time I just could not let go... for the first time in almost a decade I came out to exhibit myself.  Because of my schedule, she showed sparingly against a crop of stellar kittens who had momentum... but even so she rose to the top every time she entered a ring.  She has a presence that is irrefutable and a way about her that grabs your heart and won't let go.  She is one of those special creatures that create "moments" wherever they go...  I treasured my moments with her in the show ring and the moments she gives me at home. She is one special addition to the Emau family and the first ever eighth generation Dm for the breed.


GC NW Emau's Speechless Of Emaue -

"Aspen"- My little warrior princess who defied the odds by surviving pneumonia as a newborn and went on the steal the hearts of everyone who met her.  A born show cat who made it look easy. Sweet, loving, reasonable and absolutely stunning.This Rumor daughter is a special special gift.



Our Beloved Foundation! -Retired and cherished....

CClick above to read about our history....

Kitten Pages for the "Girls" Click on names below to see notable kittens from the girls... Some of the girls shares their day to day lives with friends now, so that they can all receive the love and and attention they deserve, but each is no less loved and cherished...

London - My elegant busybody from Dior

Lisbon - My edgy princess from Dior

Dior - Sweet spotty Jewel Daughter

One cannot succeed without knowing their past and recognizing its legacy... These special girls gave us magic and grace and we are forever grateful... Now retired, they were and are, the best of the best...

Khepri - Our first love and the 5th ever Egyptian Mau Distinguished Merit cat. 

Kyrie - Our elegant and frightfully intelligent superstar!

Pounce - The love of my life.

Sunny - My treasure from Pounce

Lark - My gift from Sunny

Wren - The legacy continues with this precious gift from Lark

Little Bit - Intensity personified in the elegant contrasty body of a superstar. Bit is looking for a home....

Faith - Her mothers huge green eyes, a grace and presence all her own... Faith has created living masterpieces in every litter

Bug - Our gentle lady of the night

Spirit - Our perfect lady and our first GC...She retired with roommate Cheetah to Florida where she took over hearts and home...

Cheetah - Our sweet "duh" girl and the 6th ever Egyptian Mau Distinguished Merit cat She retired to Sunny Florida with Spirit!

Comet - Our Sweet Bump who always had the most consistently sweet lovely babies I have ever seen

Pyramid - Pyramid passed her exquisite boning and sweet personality on to her babies! 

Porsche - Our German Beauty!

Future - Spirit's little sister, Future was 38th Best cat in the country 1999/2000 season.

Karma -  she's smart, sassy and very spotty!

M - Sweetness and light, this gentle girl was  a wonder through and through

Raven - She has eyes you could drown in...

Hope(1) - Sweet, loving, happy... Perfect body coat and pattern...Who could ask for anything more?  Hope AKA Sylvie, now lives in Germany!

Angel - Edgy, beautiful, a top model all the way...

Puzzle - quirky, beautiful and refined with the old style traditional expression Puzzle lives with Susan in Baltimore

Illusion - Spirit's haunting replacement. Illusion is oh so happy with Susan and Caroline now living the life of a primadonna in Baltimore...

Wishes - Miss Wish - always cheerful, the peacemaker with a will... Huge green eyes and a body of steel. A true Pounce daughter... Wishes lives with Katheryn in Maine

Joy - The Lovely Pouncelet who seems to be her grandmother incarnate... Joy rules at Mautrix...

Nikita - Nikita has one of "those" bodies - you know the kind the ones you love to hate! She is 3rd generation Duh.

Ginny - this fabulous Faith/Kestrel daugher is the first Egyptian Mau to produce a litter in AUS...

Minuet - Hope's spotty daughter

Kali - Our lovely gift from Maullenium - Kali now lives with Brenda in Richmond and rules the household!

Bianca - Lovely daughter of Minuet and Dell

Hope - Lovely daughter of Minuet and Dell

Rowan - My little velociraptor; all sugar and spice. 



Emau cattery



Current Show Season


Retired cats

Co-owned cats

Show history

Grand Gallery 2023-2028

Grand Gallery 2017-2022

Grand Gallery 2011-2016

Grand Gallery 2006-2011

Grand Gallery 2001-2005

Grand Gallery 1995-2001

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