A very Pregnant Spirit... (All belly and beautiful eyes)
This cat is driving me crazy... | She has had three litters and without a
doubt, the best kittens I have ever hoped
to breed... | Unfortunately, most are pets, albeit
gorgeous ones, because she insists on
over-grooming their ears and ruining their
chance at show careers... |
GC Emau's SamIAm of Baccamamdit |
GP Emau's Rumble In The Jungle |
GC Emau's Tukuyomi of Wisteria FL | Deceptively innocent! |
Spirit and Shai - the Last Dance....
Six! Five Boys BUT.... (drum roll please!!!!), one lovely silver spotted girl... My "Grand Illusion"...
She chooses not to show which nearly broke my heart, but in every other respect she is what I waited
for from Chunk..... Such a gift this last litter... Such a gift... Already one grand, GP Emau's Rumble
in The Jungle and Sami, the little smoke boy with the heart of gold is halfway there as well...
GP Emau's Rumble In The Jungle - This boy is one heckuva
ambassador for the breed - he purred through his entire show
career | Jungle will be teaching Nicholas how to show in Jr
Showmanship! |
The long awaited girl... | Just a few days old! |
It's a Grand Illusion! | Or to be more precise... | Emau's Grand Illusion,
DM |
We're pretty pleased! | Her brother has the look too... | But she thinks she's the cat's meow... |
Spirit does it again with smokes... | This little guy is quite the character as
well! Emau's SamIam of Baccamamdit... | Look at the eye color and only 8 weeks
old! |
Spirit and Shai reprise...
GC Emau's Tukuyomi of Wisteria FL as a five month
old kitten! |
Four this time... But still no girl for me from my lovely Spirit... Boys - incredible; spotty, contrasty,
and stunning... and of course it wasn't all that bad since one of those boys was our wonderful Tuki
(above!) and a silver classic girl... Future ended up now ably nursing all four as well as her
One week mark! | One just like another - clean and spotty |
These boys are exotic looking.. | Reminiscent of Uno? |
They're in the fuzzies, but getting bigger | And full of spunk! |
Tuki.... | The Pack!!! |
Spirit and Shai - Well Comet and Shai gave us Little Man, Khepri and Shai gave us Kyrie...
Spirit and Shai gave us .... surprise surprise... two smokes - one of which is so darn spotty I thought
he was a silver for several days... Tough call between him and that Pounce smoke - guess 2001 will
be the year of the smoke!!!!
Introducing Emau's Mau and Again - who will be debuting in January 2001!
 | Jeff and Margot's Mau & Again
(Mause) and roommate Grace (Emau's
Amauzing Grace) |
Spirit and Soleil
A first time match that seems to have had incredible results. Hard to
describe the exquisite delicacy of the boning on these babies... Six
silvers - five of the nicest spotted things you ever did see and one
contrasty and startlingly beautiful classic. I have only one complaint
about this litter: they are ALL BOYS! Yep, 6 boys... Next complaint is
that she moved on the ears at FIVE days not Eight this time and we are
once again looking at lost show potential on two fabulous silvers... So
very frustrating....
Week 1....
End of Week 1....(Khepri raising them here!)
Spirit boy... Ears or no, this boy is a charmer! | He's also the sweetest thing you'll ever see... |
Spirit and Tease - A miracle indeed
Spirit and Tease. We waited a long, long time for this one.
Spirit's first. A litter of three. Two lovely silvers and a drop
dead gorgeous smoke.
Phoenix (GP Emau's Dead Mau Walking), smoke male:
Phoenix was born dead. Non-responsive, limp, desiccated,
poor APGAR scores, yep, dead. He spent his first hours in
this world, half in, half out - head and shoulders stuck inside
his mother, Spirit, back legs and half his torso flapping in the
breeze. It wasn't until David, bleary-eyed from sleep
responded to my increasingly frantic calls, gloved up, slipped
his gentle fingers into Spirit and scooped him out, that
Phoenix decided to join this world. Even then, I would have
sworn we had lost him, but David wouldn't give up. Spirit and
I were already concentrating on birthing the PITA, Spirit's
third-born, while David still labored over the cold still body.
Then, truly like something rising from the ashes, Phoenix twitched, and the air began to fill his body.
From that point on, he was one of the most vigorous, healthy kittens I have ever seen. He has a zest
for life and mischief like no other. We registered him "Emau's Dead Mau Walking" and call him
Phoenix. He has such an unearthly shimmery color we thought he was a silver for the first three days.
When we realized he was truly a smoke we were ecstatic - even more so because he was a girl. It
wasn't until he was nearly three weeks old and I swooped him up to kiss his belly spots that I realized
"she" was a "he". Until that day I had been kissing Spirit's paws for giving such a special gift - a
phenomenal smoke and a girl at that. I didn't speak to her for two days after my discovery. What a
horrible, horrible disappointment - Can't
use him in the breeding program, but what
a cat. I just couldn't let him go without
letting the cat fancy get a glimpse of him in
the showring... You can see more of
Phoenix on the Show Scenes page... On
Christmas Day he left our home (but never
our hearts) and went to live with his
owners, Bonnie and Galen. Bonnie and
Galen also own Safari.
 Nigel, silver male (right). Nigel was
spotted in the sack, a beautiful clean clean
silver with a lovely head who went to make
his home with Tiffany and Gemini, her
Bengal spay, in Provo Utah. We have high
hopes that Tiffany will take Nigel out to the
The PITA, silver female (left), now named
Emau's Nut (and yes, Nut was an Egyptian
Goddess, but yes, it has other meaning in
this case too!). I have never become so incredibly attached to a small kitten. You
love them all, but this child, oh boy. She nearly drove me crazy and certainly
drove me to tears on many an occasion. I took her everywhere with me for weeks
on end. She refused to eat anything but people food until she was nearly four
months old. Perfect in every other way, she was a small miniature of a cat with
huge, haunting eyes like her mother's and a will as stubborn and as strong as a
Grand Canyon burro. She was dubbed PITA by my vet, who after a week long
battle of wills with her finally got her to eat something other than pre-minced roast beef and Ground
Chuck (that's what she had me trained to feed her). Pale and white, her eyes turned green at 12 weeks
or so and could hunt you down with amazing persistence. It was nearly impossible to deny her
anything -especially since she was the ultimate lap cat - she did everything with fervor, and loved to
take a flying leap from the ground in the general direction of your arms and then collapse in a ball of
purr until your sat down to hold her. She spent hours on my lap while I worked on the computer and
would defend her position from her brothers with incredible ferocity. She's one of those girls that
looks like she'll break in two if you look at her cross-eyed, but is really tough as nails - she ran the
threesome, not the big rambunctious boys... She was an engagement present from a wonderful and
creative guy in Raleigh to his fiancé - She had wanted a Mau and when he asked her to marry him, his
first decoy was to give her a picture of PITA. Had they not been such a perfect couple, rest assured,
the PITA would still be sitting here on my lap as I wrote this...

Spirit.....and her Magnificent SEVEN
The second time around it was seven! Six silvers and a
Well, she's did it this time...SEVEN. Yes, you read it right, seven. Who would of thunk it? Certainly
not me... or Spirit for that matter. It's a lovely litter, but both she and I were quite bewildered intially
by it! Six silvers, one incredible smoke - male of course, like Phoenix. Figures. They were an
incredible litter...
Webster at almost eight weeks | Belly spots! | More Belly Spots! |
Lynx - a pale beauty |
This is Selkis... She is unbelievable, truly lovely, truly a lady... | Selkis is going to be one of the Foundation Maus in England.
We will miss her horribly.... |
Osiris at four months | Youser! Osiris shows off his brilliant spots at four months... |
Spirit and Tease - Take Three!
Five silvers - four boys of course, like last time, breath-taking in the clarity of spots and beautiful
Talk about alluring.... It's Nikita (Spirit girl) and Pounce.... The two girls know how to turn on the
The kids as babies.....
This gorgeous little boy, our lion cub Anthony, will go down as
one of our tragedies -forever the one that "should have been" | Clear from the begining he was "special" - so spotty and
clear... So of course Spirit took it upon herself to destroy his
poor ears worse than she has ever done before. He'll never
show, but he's going to be gorgeous anyway... |
More of Anthony... | |
