We are doubly proud of these girls as they not only contribute to their breed by producing beautiful kittens, but have done their best to recruit some wonderful new folks to the world of Egyptian Maus.  They are worshipped in the homes of friends and cat "family" rather than here with us, but are no less cherished and no less loved...

Meet Our out of home Girls

GC RW Emau's Hope You Dance Of Vaernam - Hope now lives in Belgium!

Hope is the eternal "good girl".  The daughter of Dell and Minuet she gave me everything good about Minuet without the bad... truly a striking girl with stunning contrast.  She was supposed to live with Pat and Tim but she had other ideas... She loves with an intensity that is endearing and she LOVED Tim... sadly, she did not feel the same about Pat, so she came back to me.  Text book color, contrast and coat coupled with her father's incredible eyes make her a "stop-you-in-your-tracks" beauty.  Littermate to the outgoing tomboy Bianca, Hope was always the sensitive one and the girly girl... She is loving and sweet, but truth be told not the smartest bulb.  That said, when you get right down to it, she co-rears her litters with Bianca and time after time it seems  that Hope is off taking a break and Bianca is in there working... so maybe not so slow afterall...


CH Emau's Jump For Joy Of Mautrix, DM

Beloved and astoundingly beautiful, this silver princess is her grandmother Khepri incarnate... Joy lives with Laurie and has an amazing ability to twist any human around her silken covered paws of steel... This little girl is made of will and she demands her rightful worship in a way second only to her famous grandmother.... The show world could have been hers for the taking; her huge green eyes, phenomenal pattern, perfect color and gorgeous boning would have knocked the socks off any judge, but Joy chose instead to rule at home and let her others sisters excel in the show ring... We cheered when she earned her sixth winners ribbon...

CH Emau's Moonshadow of Emauge

The first smoke female to stay in the family.... Moonshadow has a flawless pattern and her mother's worried eyes... She gets her body from dad though - lean and strong.  Moonshadow makes her home with Pat and Tim and is a delicate child with the heart of a lion.

Kitten Pages for the "Girls" Click on names below to see notable kittens from the girls...





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Show history

Grand Gallery 2023-2028

Grand Gallery 2017-2022

Grand Gallery 2011-2016

Grand Gallery 2006-2011

Grand Gallery 2001-2005

Grand Gallery 1995-2001

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