Meet The INCREDIBLE GIRLS who made history with us....


Our Retired Foundation Girls

Meet the Girls - Retired

Khepri all grown upCH Pasha Khepri of Emau, DM- Khepri," 1994-2008, much beloved and much missed.  I know that she is long retired and now gone, but her spirit and legacy live on and Khepri is a part of everything we are, she was and is the beginning and thus must lead off the Girls page....Nicknames: Pasha K, "No Touchy Kitty, Eyelash girl, What to say about our beloved "Pasha K"? She was the one who got us all started. She took a piece of my heart from this earth, and to the day she left me she still made me catch my breath when I caught a glimpse of her out of the corner of my eye. She was dictatorial, stubborn, temperamental, manipulative, and incredibly sweet and affectionate. In terms of intelligence - it just radiated out of her. She insisted on having her litters on our bed and wanted us to sleep on either side of her and her "brood". In the morning, she loved to wake me with a thorough face washing (her tongue HURT) and she was the ultimate in a self-taught game of fetch the tootsie roll (never, and I mean never eat a tootsie roll in our house - you do not even want to know where they have been!). She ruled our house, and all within, and was, without question, "alpha female." She could quell even the most aggressive stud boys with one icy green stare. We called it "the look" and it could make even us back down! She was what is called an "old style traditional" her body was muscular and rather short coupled. You might even say that she was stocky. She was built like a power builder or a wrestler and had incredibly strong shoulders. What she lacked in elegance she more than made up for with her head. It was, purely and simply, exquisite. The lines superb and the really good news is that she passed it on to her offspring! Nearly every one of Khepri's kittens had beautiful head type. In December 1999, Khepri joined the elite ranks of cats in CFA to earn what some would say is the most coveted title a cat can achieve: DM. The distinguished merit award is given to those females that have produced 5 or more grands. Khepri became the 5th Mau ever to earn this title and what is perhaps most impressive in this for Khepri was that the five cats that earned the title for her came from four different litters and three different studs... We are inordinately proud of our first love's accomplishments.... She was the first  Mau to produce a DM cat as well.  She lived her life as part of the family to the fullest and as an added bonus, left her breed a legacy like no other.  When she left us she had produced 4 second generation DMs, two National Best of Breed Winners and three Regional winners. She had five third generations DMs and one fourth generation DM who trace their lineage directly to her. 125 known CFA Grands 16 National Breed winners, 24 regional winners 7 National Best of Breeds and two National Winners were descended from her and those numbers will only grow over the years. Her offspring are the foundation for the breed in the U.K., Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and Sweden and they have contributed to Japan and Canada as well as here in the States.  She had an amazing impact on the breed and on my life… I am honored to have shared the precious years we had together with such a special soul, and I remind myself to celebrate the glory and the beauty that I have because of that one little silver-haired, green-eyed monster who changed my life… 


GC BW RW Emau's Mau Pounce For The Ounce, DM Khepri's Daughter 1999-2015

Retired now - but like her mother, she is the heart and soul of our program... so she stays here both in our home and on our foundation page...



 So... every once in while, if we are very lucky, as cat lovers we get to see and sometimes even touch or handle a "chill" cat... You know them when you see them and they are not always even your breed - but the reaction is instantaneous - they stop you dead in your tracks when you see them because they take it one step further past gorgeous. They give you an immense feeling of awe and send goosebumps up and down your spine... And then... sometimes the magic happens to you and you not only see one, but wonder of get one of your very own... Pounce is for me, that cat... She gives me goosebumps and ulcers and I love her to death. We are very proud to introduce this Khepri and Soleil daughter as an addition to "the girls". Pounce was Region 7 Best of Breed for the 1999/2000 season and Best Egyptian Mau in Championship and 26th Best cat at the 2000 International. Although she only had a few months to try for it, she nearly earned a Regional win. Then, two seasons later she did the "impossible" and re-debuted in championship where she proved that maturity can triumph over youth. She gave me a dream season of sharing her with the world and led wire to wire as National Best of Breed and one of the top cats in the most competitive region in CFA. Her quirky personality in the show-ring made her a challenge, but memorable as well and her beauty shone through the entire year... Her gift to me of that incredible season was unparalleled... She hated to show, but she loved me, so with humor and intensity that only a Mau can achieve she made her way through twelve long months of campaigning and finished the season looking better than when she began... Then with her third litter she Became the first National Breed and Regional Winner cat to earn the coveted title of Distinguished Merit. She did this in the year where her daughter led wire to wire as National Breed Winner which made it all the more special... And to make it all even more exciting, a year later, Tetris, her son from her second litter granded as well making her one of only two Egyptian Maus to ever produce five qualifying cats from her first two litters... She went on to produce the first Emau National Winner and is the highest grand producing female DM in the history of the breed... Of course, every thing about Pounce is special....

Pounce Pounce can balance Pounce in motion


We are eternally grateful to the magic that created this unparalleled beauty and would like to say a special thanks to Judith Mendelsohn of J's Iris for her Soleil who with our special Pasha K gave me the love of my life; my supposedly unobtainable vision of perfection... What a gift and what a joy to spend my days with such a treasure firmly ensconced on my lap....One look at her on a bad day makes it all worth while... she makes my heart sing and that, after all, is what this is all about...


GC BW Emau's Kyrie, DM


The Kyrie Bird

Our Kyrie bird... daughter of Khepri and Shai and the first of my Khepri girls who has managed to master "the look" her mother trademarked so long ago.... She's startling in her beauty, frightening in her intensity... Her intelligence is second only to her infamous mother... A Khepri daughter through and through... her pedigree reads like Egyptian Royalty and she is not about to let ANYONE forget that she is indeed a princess! We call her P.I.T (that's short for Pounce in Training....) and to see the two of them curled arm in arm is truly a sight to behold.  Such a study in contrasts and contradictions. Tough exterior with a bark rather than the lovely Mau chirp, yet surprisingly sensitive and rather delicate behind all that bravado... She's long and elegant and redefines contrast and style... She picked me, rather than I her, but I am oh so glad she did. Sharing my life and home with her is unbelievably special and she is producing kittens like no other cat except her famous mother.... They are breathtaking in their consistent quality...  With her third litter Kyrie just edged out Pounce and became the first Grand Champion and National Breed Winner to earn the title of Distinguished Merit...


GC GP BW NW Emau's Drop-Of-Golden Sun, DM - now retired


Sunny", We all have show cats that make us proud, but it is a rare cat that can wrap our heart in knots and bring us to tears with their beauty and grace. I had the honor and pleasure of showing one such precious treasure in 2000. Her name was Pounce (GC BW RW Emau’s Mau Pounce For The Ounce, DM). Pounce produced and gave me many gifts, but in August 2005, she gave me a gift I had forgotten I needed… She gave me a cat so special that she brought back the goosebumps and joy that I had not even realized that I had lost. That gift was Sunny, GC BW NW Emau’s Drop-Of-Golden Sun, DM and SHE gave me the gift of wonder.  so like her mother... yet fragile with a touch of joyful sweetness that is hard to resist.  She possesses a long-legged, grace that is breathtaking and leaves the impression of all eyes and all ears- one can lose themselves in the depth of those huge sexy green eyes.... and she has the single most incredible coat I have ever had the pleasure of preparing for a show - dense, resilient, shiny with incredible ticking. Type-wise for me she exemplifies everything I am looking for in an Egyptian Mau and the year of her campaign, although fraught with drama, was one of the highlights of my CFA career; a fairy tale worth treasuring for a myriad of reasons;  most specifically a very special green-eyed monster who, like her mother, wrapped my heart in knots and made me believe.  In May 2009, with her second litter, Sunny became the first Egyptian Mau to earn every title possible for a championship Mau - the first National winner to become a Distinguished Merit cat.. yet another incredible gift to me from this very special cat...

GC BW NW Emau's Touch The Sun, DM - Now retired

Lark is her mother's daughter - elegant, edgy, exciting, but her grandmother Pounce at heart... Unlike momma Sunny, Lark does not have a fragile bone in her tough little body... she is a tomboy with huge green eyes, breed defining ears and long elegant legs who lives for toys, demands things her way or not at all and expects the world to cater to her... Endearing, infuriating and irresistible... no cat since Pounce has had such a sweet loving nature coupled with such a temper... challenge to show... unbelievable and electric when things go her way.... not so much when she is not pleased... Like her mother she is a hotel snob - she loves fancy rooms, and is miserable in ones that she considers not up to her standards. Like her grandmother, she feels she should be the only one traveling in the car with mom... no other cats and not even other people just HER... in her mind since it is all about her, that is the way it should be... and of course the way it is... She does, afterall hold all the cards and is working on worming her way around my heart... It seems almost impossible that I have been so lucky to have had the honor and the privilege to show three such special creatures and above and beyond that... I share my life with them...

Sad we never got a photo to capture the beauty that is Lark... she truly is living art in every sense of the word!


GC BW NW Emau's Strike A Pose Of Emauge - Jade

Jade is a Lark Daughter who brings me to tears with her beauty and grace.  She is that one-in-a-million type of cat that is almost too good to be true... She reminds me of her great grandmother Pounce and for that I am eternally grateful...  I have bred for 20+ years trying to recreate the magic that was Pounce... Sunny came close, and now I have Jade (thank you to Tim for realizing how much my heart needed her and giving her back to me at the end of the season).  She became the highest ranked National winner in Championship for the breed ever in the same year that I lost my muse, my bewitching Pounce... If not for her, Pounce's loss would have spelled the end of my breeding career, but cats like her are truly extra-ordinary and they inspire even the most devastated of us.  Beauty like hers is a gift that can heal a broken heart and she did just that.  Some people can only dream of a cat like her... I am blessed to share my life with her.  She is the most forgiving cat I have ever met... A joy to show, a wonder on the judging table and equally as charming at home. Long-legged and graceful with huge green eyes and phenomenal ears.  She ended up the first Egyptian Mau to earn the title of Best Cat in the Southern Region, the first Egyptian Mau to break the top ten Nationally as ninth Best Cat in CFA.





GC RW Emau's Covergirl, DM - Jewel

Beautiful Jewel is a full littermate to the lovely Jade...  A Lark daughter through and through she was born outgoing and opinionated and very very sweet.  Totally different from her forgiving sister, she has a quick temper and an equally quick purr.... Super smart, she does not know a stranger and she is convinced the world revolves around her... Jade reminds me of Pounce and Jewel?  Well, she reminds me of her great great grandmother Khepri - intelligent, willful, intense and loving.  What an amazing last gift Lark gave me in these two girls....



GC Emau's Material Girl, DM- "London"- The energizer bunny - my ever present busy body

Dior and Ru paired up to give me one of the most consistent and exciting litters I have ever had.  London is the edgy elegant result of that match and she makes me smile every day.  Uber smart, uber busy, uber friendly, she has to be involved in every thing... from the time she toddled out of the birthing box she had to follow me every where.  She cannot stand to be left out.  She plays fetch, darts doors, and is an intrepid adventurer.  She has no fear and knows no strangers.  She was the first to conquer the wheel and has proven to be a an incredible mother.  She is long, racey, and refined. Her contrast is spectacular and intelligence radiates out of her huge eyes.



Emau's Vogue, DM  - "Lisbon"- The elegant gentle princess

Lisbon is another of the incredible Dior and Ru babies.  Stunningly beautiful and sweet, her quiet personality often gets over shadowed by her bossy sister, but make no mistake, Lisbon is a force to be reckoned with.  Equally as elegant as her flashy sister, she is incredibly balanced and has a coat the likes of which we have not seen in years.  Like her mother, she is a gentle soul with an inner strength that is rivaled by none.


Emau's She's Got The Look - Rowan

Rowan....  What to say about this little child who redefines "force of nature"?  She took my breath away when she was born. Balanced and elegant. Feisty and opinionated she was born beautiful and knows it.  I told Tim when she was three weeks old that she had Kitten of the Year written all over her... She is just that special.  Unfortunately Rowan does nothing Rowan does not want to do.... and she did not think going to live with Tim was a good idea.  Her show career was short-lived and she happily made her way back to me.... an only child who has no fear... she thinks the world revolves around her gorgeous little self and in this little corner?  Well, it does. 



GC BW NW Emau's Minuet, DM - now retired

Minuet, my "go figure" kitty... Born to the always joyous Hope (GC BW RW Emau's You've Gotta Have Faith) and sired by the very sweet Story (GC Mautrix Likely Story), she came to me as a young kitten shortly after her human mother, Rita passed away.  She took everything from her lovely Mother who was our national Best of Breed in 2005/2006, and her spotty father and ramped it up a notch... Flawless pattern and profile, hard athletic body, beautiful well shaped green green eyes and a breed defining coat; truly one of the best I have ever had the pleasure of handling, all set off with brilliant perfect clear, clean color... what a lovely surprise.  As a kitten she had a 5 show streak where she was highest scoring kitten in show and at the prestigious National Capital, she was the only kitten out of 157 kittens competing to make all 8 finals. She catapulted not only to the top of the national kitten lists, but became the highest scoring Mau kitten in CFA history with over a month to go in her kitten career... and she did it all on her own... sweet, cheerful, a trouper through and through she wowed spectators and judges alike show after show while I just kept shaking my head. She ended up the 6th Best Kitten in CFA and Best kitten in her region and I just kept saying "go figure..."!  Minuet now lives the good life in Northern Virginia


GC Emau's For Your Eyes Only, DM - The tradition continues - Lark's Daughter

Wren, my lovely gift from Lark, is another cat in a long line of beauties that makes me catch my breath in awe every time I catch a glimpse of her moving through the house.  Truly a "Pinch me, I must be dreaming" kind of girl with huge expressive eyes, clear brilliant color and her mother's incredible, breed defining ears.  Where her mother lives for toys, my sensitive Wren was born with an almost pathological fear of them - always a challenge for a show cat... Thankfully she has that uncanny intelligence bequeathed to her from her great great grandmother, so a lot of hard work and a ton of love brought her through the fear and after a rocky kitten career she burst out of the box in her second weekend as an "adult" as an 8 month old Baby grand.  To pick up Wren is to start the purr - a warmer, more loving and devoted Mau I have never met. She is sensitive and fragile, but sweet to her very core.  She makes me crazy, she makes me laugh and she makes me so very very proud... What a legacy... from Khepri, to Pounce, to Sunny, to Lark... and now a little girl who takes something special from each and makes it all her own.


GC RW Emau's Let's Dance Of Emauge - Bianca

Bianca Is the daughter of Dell and Minuet and for once Dell threw his fabulous ears!!!  Add to that an incredible athletic and muscular bosy with a natural feel and she was was pretty much a show stopper in the ring.  She missed a National kitten win by less than 10 points through no part of her own.  One of the most well-adjusted, competent girls I have ever met she is the ultimate busy body - she wants to be involved with everything and cannot stand being left out.  Another girl with a mind of her own and a love of play she is one of the best mothers I have ever had.  Calm, devoted and totally in control. Bianca is the ultimate triple threat - a great show cat, a great mother and a perfect pet...


GC RW Emau's Hope You Dance Of Vaernam - Hope was lost to soon to Cancer

Hope is the eternal "good girl".  The daughter of Dell and Minuet she gave me everything good about Minuet without the bad... truly a striking girl with stunning contrast.  She was supposed to live with Pat and Tim but she had other ideas... She loves with an intensity that is endearing and she LOVED Tim... sadly, she did not feel the same about Pat, so she came back to me.  Text book color, contrast and coat coupled with her father's incredible eyes make her a "stop-you-in-your-tracks" beauty.  Littermate to the outgoing tomboy Bianca, Hope was always the sensitive one and the girly girl... She is loving and sweet, but truth be told not the smartest bulb.  That said, when you get right down to it, she co-rears her litters with Bianca and time after time it seems  that Hope is off taking a break and Bianca is in there working... so maybe not so slow afterall...



GC Emau's Sweet Dreams R Made-Of-This - Forest - the tradition continues - Lark's Daughter...

Forest was born to rule. Just ask her.  Uncanny intelligence coupled with an iron will make her an endearing but sometimes trying little diva.  Nicknamed the Monkey, she cedes alpha to no one. She starts the morning by leaping on my shoulder and giving kisses on my ear. She is truly a shoulder vulture extraorinaire. Everything and I mean EVERYTHING has to be on her terms and if that is the case, she is charming and loving and  oh so sweet... cross her and she channels her willful mother and great great great grandmother... My kind of girl in every way.  A tiny little spitfire of will and spunk. You gotta love it... Either that or despair. A precious jewel of untold worth... another treasure from the lovely Lark.  I waited what seems like forever for a silver girl deserving of a special name... as soon as Forest was born I knew My Sweet Dreams R Made Of This was here.  She stole my heart before she was 24 hours old...



GC Emau's Queen's Gambit

 Little Bit... A Kyrie daughter with an edge. She is undoubtedly the most elegant and extreme of my girls - a long legged, long bodied cat of extreme contrast and extreme emotions. Little Bit takes everything to heart and does everything with complete commitment. When she wants lap, she wants it NOW... she is sensitive and careful and extremely intelligent... She never stops thinking and like her mother, she picked me... The rest of the world she is not so sure of, but she knows exactly what my job is.... She loves to play and loves to become a lap leech... My little superstar wears the worries of the world on her sleeve.


GC Emau's Leap-Of-Faith


Breathtaking Faith... So lovely and striking it's almost unbelievable... Of course how could she fail to be?  Her mother is "Herself", the Pouncess....and Faith is the original "Pouncelet".... She has exquisite color, contrast, coat, pattern, boning, head type and is absolutely incredible.... Better yet, she takes her mother's at home personality into the show ring... 2002/2003 found her the highest scoring Egyptian Mau kitten in CFA and although she ended up 22nd best kitten in her region, just missing a RW, she would have been a high RW in any other CFA region....What a thrill... Like her mother, a little more reserved than the demonstrative Raven, she nevertheless possesses a sweet, loving nature that is impossible to deny.  Also like her mother, a little more reserved, slightly more pensive... she takes the legacy she was born to seriously and carries her royalty with grace and dignity...

GC BW RW Emau's Fly By Night


Bug.... as in cute as a..... We waited what seemed forever for a smoke girl of our very own... Moonshadow, Comet's daughter shares herself with Pat and Tim of Emauge, But "Bug" is all ours!!  She's one of those shouldn't be cats... littermate to Faith, half sister to Raven, there is simply no way she should have stayed. Afterall, what on earth did we need with another girl when we were keeping two such standouts?  But every time I thought I'd let her go I'd look at that head and say "oh no, not going to happen"  She has her mother's head on a smoke body and that, I suppose is why there really was never a question that the little fireplug with the sunny personality and the silken coat was in reality never destined to go anywhere but straight into our home and our hearts... There is just something about her that is mesmerizing.  Her reception in the show ring was both a shock and a thrill for us... Because, wonder of wonders, we found that it was not just us she mesmerized... Judge after judge took one look and then inexplicably found themselves going back for more... She generated fascination and more than held her own against her flashy sister and half sister! In November of 2003, with a little less than half the show season to go she made Egyptian Mau history by becoming the highest scoring smoke Egyptian Mau in CFA history... At the end of the season she became the second ever smoke Egyptian Mau to earn the title of BW and the only smoke female to earn the title. She showed with such incredible grace and poise that she always seemed to surprise judges and spectators alike when her quirky sense of humor surfaced and she transformed from regal queen into ghostly gamin... Such a joy and a gift... a long-legged beauty with huge bewitching eyes.... she has a way about her that connects with people in a special manner... She found her way into many a heart during her year-long campaign and ended her career in her last final with perhaps the highest accolade one can get from a judge; rather than the litany of her attributes it was.... a choke, a tear, a hug, a kiss on the head and a "I'm going to miss you"... She's the kind of cat who touches people deep down.... A one in a million so like her mother yet so not... Pounce is cool regal and untouchable, Bug is everyone's cat... Polite and loving and royalty from toe to toe...

Elegance and grace Paint her silver and she is so like her mother... With her own quirky sense of humor...


CH Emau's My Angel Is A Centerfold


I waited a long time to use that name... and a long time to get a kitten that reminded me of Pounce... then along came a silver sprite full of intensity and beauty and the name was claimed... It skipped a generation, but in her I see her grandmother... Clean, elegant lines, huge beautiful eyes and ears... perfection in silver with an edge perhaps that Pounce did not have.  Truly a top model all the way. She is fierce in her loyalty, and sweet beyond belief. Truly a treasure to take us to the next step... Her sister Ginny went to be a foundation Mau for the AUS program, but Angel goes no further than my heart... she is my treasure and her first litter proved that she has great things to offer...


GC Emau's Bohemian Rhapsody - "RAVEN"

Raven, My sensitive, little Kyrie daughter flew straight into my heart as a baby. She has a fabulous assortment of sound effects and an incredibly sexy little voice in an elegant body.  Her mother barked, she grunts... and chortles and coos and exudes the incredible intelligence inherited from her loving mother and grandmother.   She is sensitive and loving and incredibly affectionate. Brave to fault as long as she has her person to back her up.  She does nothing in moderation and from the tip of her whiskers to the tip of her wonderful tail she is a people cat.  Perhaps I should clarify that - she is MY cat - I dote on her, she on me... She is friendly and outgoing with everyone, as long as she has the safety of my arms and has an insatiable curiosity, but like her mother and her Aunt she chose her person.  Her eyes haunt you long after you have left her, a legacy from her Aunt Spirit and Aunt Pounce perhaps... her refinement is exquisite.. but her intense personality is what leaves you wanting more....



Emau's El Shahab, DM Our baby: Comet

"Comet" - Nickname: "Bump" - This is the proverbial "cat I left at home" at every show I ever go to - she is, in my mind one of the most lovely creatures we have had the honor of breeding. Although by current standards she may be a little too traditional, for me she puts it all together in all the right ways. Her head is incredible, her pattern is flawless. She is contrasty and muscular, and balanced. And she is truly the sweetest cat I have ever met. She came by her name of "Bump" because when she sees you she starts to bump and purr - and she doesn't know the word stranger. This cat loves everyone. And you should see her light up when you pull out a show teaser. I remember being so incredibly proud of her -I just couldn't wait to get her out to the shows to show her off! Unfortunately, things don't always work out as planned. One week before she was scheduled to go to her first show I took her to get her Rabies shot. She had a reaction and when I brought her home I stupidly thought that it would be best to put her back with her mother - Khepri didn't approve- in a big way and Comet got hurt - One of the joints in her tail ended up getting crushed and only the fact that poor Comet was already on treatment for the reaction to her shot kept her from losing her tail entirely. It's fine now, but she'll never be "showable". In the meantime, we still think she's awesome and spoil her completely! In March of 2001 she made history of her own and became the first daughter of a Distinguished Merit cat to earn the title herself... We are inordinately proud of what she has done for her breed with her consistently sweet and stunning children!


Comet as a lovely adult

CH Matiki's Mia Cheetah of Emau, DM-


Mia pet, Mia, and sadly, "Duh?". Poor Cheetah, we laughingly call her our dumb blond (no offense!) And it really isn't warranted - she is just so darn sweet and a little goofy... Cheetah was our second Mau and she retired from breeding in 2001 after giving us and her breed a number of remarkable kittens. She came from the renowned Matiki cattery and is actually co-owned with Jan and Bonnie Wydro of Matiki. We are forever grateful to Jan and Bonnie for letting us have such a lovely and sweet girl. The pictures do not do her body justice - she feels like hard strung wire and her bod just doesn't quit. Cheetah was supposed to be David's cat to show - but typical Mau, she bonded to me, and to this day I can do anything with her and she despises him. She is, in fact, the only Mau we have that has done the "I bond to just one person thing". The rest of our crew is very diplomatic in their love of both of us. Go figure. She is an extreme Mau with a strong import background that complements the traditional lines that come from Khepri superbly. Her body, pattern and contrast are exceptional. When Cheetah's daughter, GC Emau's Pyramid granded on the same weekend as littermate GP Emau's Chiaroscuro in August 2000, Cheetah too entered the history books as only the 6th Mau to earn the prestigious title of Distinguished Merit..

GC Emau's Mausaic, DM Spirit

"Spirit" - Nicknames: "Chunky Monkey, Chunk, and GC (good cat!). Spirit was the last born of our first litter. She is our first Grand Champion and we are inordinately proud of her. She represents a lovely example of what can go right when crossing the traditional and import lines. Her mother is our beloved Khepri and her father is a drop dead gorgeous Mau from Matiki - GC Matiki's Better Maustrap (Trapper). Although she battled her weight throughout her show career (thus her nickname of the Chunky Monkey), shortly after she turned nine months old (and right after she granded of course!) She evolved into a long, elegant girl with legs that don't stop, exquisite feel and, of course she kept the haunting eyes that stood her in such good stead throughout her show career! In addition to being a lovely example of a Mau in terms of appearance Spirit has a wonderful temperament. Throughout her show career she was described as a "perfect lady" and she was - except when you pulled out a pheasant feather. Spirit loves pheasant feathers and there were very few that she didn't manage to appropriate permanently from the judges. Spirit also loves tinfoil, but that's another story, and one best saved for another time. Spirit is a lap cat and a shoulder cat. She was one of those special kittens that start to purr early and keep it up throughout their lives - When she sees us, she starts to purr and I have never held her without having the thrill of feeling that beautiful motor running...


 GC Emau's Pyramid Scheme Pyramid

Pyramid is a Cheetah Daughter, sweet to her very core and gentle and loving as the day is long... Soleil is her father and he bequeathed to her the elusive ethereal beauty that is all his own... The delicacy of her boning is exquisite - with those two for parents, how could it not? Sad to say though... she's not very bright.... She adores riding my shoulder and would sit in my lap, tongue stuck out in pure ecstasy, forever if I let her, but she simply is not a braintrust...Every time I saw Pounce in the show ring I gasped "she's so gorgeous, well.... everytime I saw Pyramid in the showring I muttered "If she only had a brain"... Still, she can flirt with the best of them - she had a wonderful habit of coming onto the judging table, climbing the pole and then throwing an alluring look over her shoulder at the judge... If she really liked them she'd ripple her lovely muscles and pose... This of course emphasized her fabulous body and gorgeous green eyes!


The Mau ThereIsNoSubstitute of Emau

 Porsche of course! Porsche came to us from Ferdi and Marion Behse in Germany in June of 2001! Like her namesake, she is powerful, sleek and turbo-charged! She has huge, expressive ears with lovely tufts and incredible contrast. She is also one of the most cheerful and friendly cats I have ever met - she head bumps, purrs, and plays constantly... and is never happier than when she is either on a lap or on a keyboard.... She doesn't know the word stranger and lives to be loved... We are very excited to welcome her to Virginia and grateful to the Behse's for such a sweet and loving child.... She retired to the beah nd is enjoying living with now retired CH Emau's Ghostrider. They make quite a pair...


CH Karma Chameleon

Flash does not do justice to the incredible contrast of this striking beauty... Or of course, her long elegant body....

CH Karma Chameleon Karma has it all - incredible contrast, great boning and elegance, an unbelievable coat and most importantly, clean, pure color to go with the contrast... Her body is incredible, her spotting unparalleled... Her personality is... well... quirky... Like her father, Ghost, she has a sense of humor and she is larger than life... She plays with intensity and fervor and is incredibly focused and athletic.  Yet like her mother, she has a sweet, clingy side that even while bedeviling seeks approval and love... She loves to be held and adores shoulders and backs... and she has absolutely no idea how strong she is... yet she mixes strength with grace and makes the perfect tomboy. 


GC,RW Emau's Back to The Future CH Emau's Back to The Future

"Future". Future is a direct repeat of the fabulous breeding that gave us Spirit and Ghost. Although she has been magic since the day she was born, she had the unfortunate experience of being born around the same time as the fabulous Selkes, Solo, and Markie and as a result was rather "under-appreciated" as a young thing - Not so today! A "flirt" through and through she is indeed one of the "chosen ones"... She is playful and sweet and that wonder of wonders, a born show cat. Her first show was the International in Kansas City - You'd think a 17 hour drive in a car with strange cats and people, followed by your first show would be a rather traumatic way to leave the house for the first time - but nothing upsets Future - She screamed for 17 straight hours on the drive to Kansas City, but as soon as we let her go in with the boys, she was perfectly happy and the purr never stopped from that moment on. She has a way about her that draws people and makes them shake their heads in wonder. She is so like her older sister Spirit that I often confuse their names, yet she is fundamentally different. Spirit showed well because she knew she was supposed to and Spirit is a perfectionist. Future on the other hand, actually loves to show - She knows when to turn it on and she does it at home as well. She makes a habit of stealing hearts and winning over the most taciturn cynics... If there was a one word descriptor for Future, it would be joyous - she takes such pleasure in everything and gives it back in kind.... Shortly after the International she made her way North and made magic up there both as a kitten and an adult in the show ring. She retired as 6th Best Cat in Region 1, Best Egyptian Mau Region 1, and National 3rd Best of breed...Future makes her home with Bob and Carol as despite what paper says, her heart is with them...


Emau's Grand Illusion, DM

Emau's Grand Illusion - Illusion is a true Spirit daughter - huge soulful eyes, beautiful ears, hard body...Unfortunately for her, her show career coincided with Pounce's campaign, so she graced the show ring briefly as a kitten and then stayed home while Pounce toured the country... her full brother is the force of nature, GC Emau's Tukuyomi of Wisteria FL and her littermate is GC Emau's SamIAm of Baccamamdit and she is an interesting combination of the two of them... muscular like Tuki, elegant and refined like Sami...  Spirit is retired now and although I know that she is blissfully happy in Florida, there isn't a day that I do not find myself unconsciously searching for her... Illusion has filled that gap... Her eyes are so like her mothers and she loves to hang out in many of the same places.  More sensitive, yet less intense than our perfect lady, our Spirit, she is a loving creature with a fragile side to her that begs to be loved... Spirit was born knowing the world adored her... Illusion seems to constantly ask for reassurance, yet she has a world of love to give and her kittens have been some of the sunniest, most confident babies we have seen....



CH Maullenium's Kaledeiscope of Emau

The lovely Kali came to us from Dot Mardulier of Maullenium. Many many thanks to Dot for this precocious young lady.  With her pale white beauty and always curious nature she brought  to us a myraid of new possibilities. She complements our kids perfectly and we look forward to seeing what magic her daughter, Kali II will bring. 

Emau's Kaleidescope

"Kali 2" is the daughter of Dot's lovely Kali, and Whitney's handsome Niles. She brings new lines to our program and a leggy grace all her own.  She has an open clean pattern that is truly exotic and a mind of her own! Bred and raised here in Virginia, she is like a hot house flower unique unto herself...  Click here to see more pictures of Kali.


GC Emau's Uptown Girl, DM - "Dior"- Jewel's Daughter with the sunny personality

Dior is a Jewel Daughter and she continues the long line of beauties that descend from Khepri and Pounce...  She is also only the second silver I have ever kept who is a "white silver" meaning all she will ever produce are silver kittens. Her coat, color contrast and pattern are spectacular and while on the surface she seems incredibly easy going, underneath it all she has a will of steel.  She throws herself into life with everything she has and her expressive eyes can melt you in and instant. She loves to snuggle under covers and does not particularly like to share...



Kitten Pages for the "Girls" Click on names below to see notable kittens from the girls...

Our Beloved Foundation!

One cannot succeed without knowing their past and recognizing its legacy... These special girls gave us magic and grace and we are forever grateful... Now retired, they were and are, the best of the best...

Retired now, they gave us such beauty and grace and left a legacy of untold proportions for their breed....

Khepri - Our first love and number one queen

Pounce - The Pouncess herself after her show career she worked her magic with fabulous babies... Check out her beautiful kittens!!

Kyrie - Our elegant, and incredibly intelligent Kyrie bird...

Sunny -  GC BW NW Emau's Drop-Of Golden Sun, DM - My treasure from Pounce

Lark - GC BW NW Emau's Touch The Sun - The legacy from Pounce continues in Sunny's edgy daughter

Wren - a gift from Lark.... My little Yellow Rose... cat of my heart and a beauty inside and out

Bianca - Lovely daughter of Minuet and Dell with the body of steel

Cheetah - Elegant Cheetah

Spirit - Our intense Spirit with the haunting eyes

Comet - Bump had the sweetest babies....

Pyramid - Cheetah and Soleil's ethereal and everlastingly sweet daughter. 

Porsche - Our lovely lady from Germany.

Karma - Cheetah and Ghost's contrasty and elegant daughter!!

Future - Future loved having babies!

"M" - Sweetness and light, the lovely Miss M....

Puzzle - Another Illusion daughter with the one-of-a-kind expression and a will of steel...

Little Bit - the most elegant, sensitive creature to grace our home. She wears her heart on her sleeve

Raven - Kyrie's soulful daughter with the dreamy eyes

Faith - Haunting, ethereal and lovely Faith

Bug - A perfect lady with a sense of humor - what more can you ask for?

Hope - The happy, loving and ever sweet Hope seems to be giving us babies much like herself

Angel - Pounce incarnate... Huge, eyes, ears and will on a long graceful body...

Kali - Our lovely gift from Maullenium - Kali now lives with Brenda in Richmond and rules the household!

Wishes - Our cheerful, happy Pounce daughter with huge green eyes and a body of steel under satin

Illusion - Spirit's soulful daughter - Retired

Ginny - Our overseas girl - now owned by Cindy in Australia

Joy - Her grandmother incarnate????

Selene - Little Bit's complicated and beautiful daughter

Minuet - GC BW NW Emau's Minuet - First Hope's Spotty daughter

Lexi - Wrens elegant smoke daughter.

Giselle - Little Bit's elegant daughter

Hope - Lovely daughter of Minuet and Dell with the beautiful paint job and huge green eyes!

Dior - Daughter of Jewel with the sunny personality



Click here to return to the current girls....

Our Boys - Click to see the other half - the boys!

Our Foundation boys - now retired

GC Emau's Kestrel, DM! A legacy from Judith Medelsohn's Lovely boy, Soleil (GC J's Iris Another Mau 2 Feed Of Emau)

My bright silver boy with the look of the eagles... long and lean and elegant with clear clean silver that makes you catch your breath, this silver son of Judith Mendelsohn's ethereal Soleil and elegant Kyrie takes the good from each and puts it all in one fabulous, bumpy, purry package. His only fault - he is far too intelligent for a boy.... Sweet, like most boys, but also the possessor of his mother's uncanny intelligence - a strange sort of package that is all too endearing... He gets so excited and purrs and bumps so hard sometimes he just falls over... and the moment he sees me he starts to prance... yet one never forgets that he is always thinking... His long-legged grace is a sight to behold in the show ring - He is text book in his illustration of tip-toe stance - lovely, long, elegant and graceful... His clean, bright color is nothing short of breathtaking... quite a package of sweetness and light; a fitting heir to his father's throne...



CH Emau's Ghostrider -

Now retired and living the good life, Ghost was our first boy and our "alpha stud" for many great years.

Ghost" - Nicknames: The Ghostmeister, The Mauth, Batman. Ghost was the littermate of our first grand, Spirit. He is a smoke, he was for years our alpha stud, and he is phenomenal. First, Ghost is big for a Mau. Males typically run 8 - 10 lbs and females 6 - 8 lbs, but Ghost  weighed in at a little over 12 pounds and he was NOT fat - it was solid muscle.  To this day He positively ripples with muscle - even his ears have strong muscles. Yet, he doesn't have a non-elegant bone on his incredible body. This cat was born special. Like his lovely sister, Spirit, you could actually SEE his spots while he was still in the birthing sack - a super sign for a silver, and unbelievable sign for a smoke. Despite the fact that he unfortunately has a mouth that never stops and looks quite terrifying to those who don't know him, he is one of the sweetest cats we have - a very important attribute for a stud cat because good temperament with a Mau is incredibly important and can be an issue. In selecting our breeding cats, we have taken into consideration not only what their pedigrees and physical attributes can bring to the breed, but how good their temperament is (not just show temperament, although that too is important - but many factors can affect Ghost a little older and mellower... that, but temperament at home and with people). Despite being a little bit of a wimp, Ghost is a love - both when we had him and now. He is the original shoulder vulture - he absolutely adores taking a flying leap and landing on unsuspecting people's heads, or shoulders at which point he promptly collapses and starts to purr and knead - he'd ride around the house all day draped across his human's  shoulders surveying "his kingdom" if allowed. He was also my "movie" cat. He loved to lie on my lap with his belly up and head lolling back sucking up as much love and attention as he can when we settled in for a nice long movie. He'd lie there and love for hours.


Soleil - - "GC J's Iris Another Mau 2 Feed of Emau,"

Soleil passed over the Rainbow Bridge in 2002, but not before giving us and the world a taste of his special magic and love... We will miss him always and cherish his memory and his legacy.

CH J's Iris Another Mau 2 Feed of Emau Soleil (right) and his litter-mate, Dottie (left)Soleil in back, sister Dottie in front...

Soleil didn't lend himself to nicknames - He had a other world quality about him that kept him just Soleil in our home. He came to us from Judith Mendelsohn in Canada and I fell in love the moment I saw his face peering out of the carrier. He was a pale boy with superb type and huge green eyes and an ethereal beauty that made you gasp. His body felt like a million bucks - hard and muscular, yet elegant and refined. So very different from our gold standard of studly stud boys, Ghost, yet very similar too - both had phenomenal bodies and feel, it's just that one was a power lifter and one a ballet dancer. Soleil loved to stand and stare soul-searchingly into my eyes, one paw resting on my shoulder, other paw raised questioningly to my face. He usually followed this with a huge leap on to my shoulder and a big head rub. He adored walking back and forth on my shoulders while giving head rubs - again similarities between him and my Ghost. It's just that when the Ghostmeister lept to my shoulders, he didn't ask permission and my whole body felts the impact. I could have carried Soleil all day - he was incredibly balanced and gentle.

CH New Kingdom's Shai of Emau

Shai retired to Canada where he gave a world of love before he too passed over the Rainbow Bridge in 2003.  Shai (pronounced Shay or Shea as in stadium) was named after the Egyptian god of Destiny.... He was out Of Melissa Bateson's lovely girl - GC J'S Iris Qetesh of New Kingdom and by our very own Tease. He's just a baby here in the pictures and was only visiting when these pictures were taken, but he came to make his home with us one cold and windy November when his love, Melissa, returned to her home Country... Shai  never quite gotten over losing the love of HIS life, but he was always the sweetest of sweet boys and he gave us and the breed a phenomenal legacy of beauty.... 

Shai as a promising young show boy... Shai imitating his daddy - Tease has a pix just like this one! Shai imitating his lovely momma - Qetesh has one like this!

Shai and his great aunt Emau's Nephthys of New Kingdom Shai on his own.... Shai shows his profile...


CH Emau's Never Tease a Cheetah

Ch Emau's Never Tease A Cheetah

"Tease" - Nicknames Teaser, Tweaser (combination of Teaser and Whine - he went through a stage that I'd rather not dwell on...this particular nickname has to be expressed with a strong WHINE!), and sadly, Duh? 2!

Yes, Teaser is the lovely Cheetah's son. Like his momma, he is long and elegant, although he did go through a rather long gangly stage where it just never seemed like he would grow into himself. He has now though, and has turned into a stunning cat. He has a wonderful pattern. Clean beautiful color, a long hard body and an incredibly sweet personality. His first litters are on the ground now and with them he has proven that he can not only pass on that lovely color and body type, but his sweet loving personality as well. The babies were practically born purring. He comes by his sweet easy going personality honestly - his daddy is CH, GP Hajja Hit the High Spots of Emau and a sweeter cat you will never meet!

Tease as a gangly youngster....

Teaser poised to jump




  CH New Kingdom Epic of Emau! 

This contrasty sweet and loving boy hails from England and he is a half brother to our precious Shai.  He is incredibly loving and like his mother he gives bumps and love nips... Nothing seems to phase him.  Just one day after arriving to England he went to his first show where he brought home a Best kitten!!  His coat is incredibly silky and fine and his spotting factor is incredible.  Although I seriously doubt he has ever worried a day in his life, he has the trademark "worried look" down to a "t" and his expression is wonderful.  


Emau cattery



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