GC BW RW Emau's You've Gotta Have Faith -

GC Emau's Leap-Of-Faith X GC Emau's Kestrel

National Best of Breed 2005/2006

GC Emau's Minuet

Hope is one of the happiest and sweetest Maus I have ever encountered... She loved to show and loved people from the first day of her show career to the last. She lives with Rita now and spends her days supervising Rita's at home office!

Hope AKA now as Sylvie, took her time... and had the babies on the couch with Rita there to help!



This is Flash and this is Twink... They think they are pretty special...
Rita and Hope are taking great care of Twink and Flash...
Little Hopelets.... She's a wonderful mother...

Our out of home litters...

Hope and Story - three silver sprites




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Show history

Grand Gallery 2023-2028

Grand Gallery 2017-2022

Grand Gallery 2011-2016

Grand Gallery 2006-2011

Grand Gallery 2001-2005

Grand Gallery 1995-2001

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