

Future and Shai - It's a Maufest!

They kept coming and coming! Seven in all... three silvers, one smoke, two silver classics and one smoke classic... Eagerly waiting for pix and final word on sexes from Bob and Carol!

Thor and Sasha, are partners in crime now in Texas


Our Green-eyed Willow!This little girl started out slow, but is coming on strong!


Willow continues to charm her way into the hearts of all who meet her!Typical Mau fascination with toys... Single-minded devotion

Future & Soleil...

Gave us "Blinded By The Light - AKA "Valentine"....

Quite a shocker and nailbiter as well; Future gave us just one silver child, Valentine, wasn't a solo child for long - he was soon joined by Spirit nephews and niece... and Future was a doting mother to all...

Future and ValentineJust a few hours old...The Soleil resemblance already!

Valentine was not so sure about sharing his mother... But he dances to the beat of a different drummer and seems to be eternally cheerful and ever-curious


Val and his new siblings...Val is precociousAnd always on the move


Valentine has his aunt Spirit's ears...

Future and Tease!!!

Future's first litter! We now have the answer to what is in the Future.... Five spotted babies!! 2 incredible smokes and three contrasty silvers...

They Grow so quickly! Here is Future's crew in the fuzzies- Saqquara, then Meketra. Meketra and Phantom look to be destined for the show ring...

Smoke Boy Goliath and sisters Tiya (silver) and Phantom (smoke)




Emau cattery



Current Show Season


Retired cats

Co-owned cats

Show history

Grand Gallery 2023-2028

Grand Gallery 2017-2022

Grand Gallery 2011-2016

Grand Gallery 2006-2011

Grand Gallery 2001-2005

Grand Gallery 1995-2001

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