Emau's El Shahab, DM CH Pasha Khepri of Emau, DM X CH GP Hajja Hit The High Spots of Emau Comet is the first Egyptian Mau
daughter of a DM to DM herself...and the first of our girls to produce a DM as
well! Comet 's Crew When Treasure granded she made Comet and Khepri the first ever Egyptian Mau Mother/DaughterDM's! Seven grands, four of which earned enough points to grand in ONE show, a DM, and Four regional winners to her credit, Comet has given the Mau world a wonder of treasures!
And introducing Comet's newest grands - a little history in the Making! GP Emau's Pennies From Heaven... Penny needed only 75 points to grand... She got frightened badly at her first show as an adult and came away with 27 points of the 75 necessary to grand... We had no idea if she would ever show again... The next weekend we decided to let her tell us what she was ready to do... We approached with Caution... She, on the other hand, threw caution to the wind and showed like she had never shown before... In perhaps a record-breaking feat, she earned 120 points over the weekend and enjoyed every minute of it! All in all she ended up with almost double what she needed to grand and regained her confidence!! What a wonderful experience!!! Ever the elegant gentleman, Pennies littermate, GP Emau's Amon-Re Star Of Karello, waited for Penny to grand before starting his grand quest... The delay was no problem for him though - he too became a ONE SHOW GRAND and with the added flair of doing it at the prestigious National Capital show! What a thrill indeed!!!
Comet's boy, Markie is in the middle of the pile, For those of you who have read much of the rest of my page if you came away with nothing else, you probably figured out that my "Bump" holds a special place in my heart... and rightly so, she's a special child with a gentle, intelligent soul that just cannot be denied... She was nearly two before we let her have her first litter...
Comet and Kestrel
Comet Does it again with Shai! Bump has done it again... A trio of incredibly spotty little Maulets...Two silvers, and a smoke... CH Emau's Moonshadow of Emauge, P Emau's Heaven Can Wait of Emauge and Emau's Dixie Chick of Mautrix
Comet and Shai....The 2nd time around (this time we planned it!) GP RW Emau's Calisto Of Emauge
This time we could say "they" thank goodness! Three drop dead gorgeous silver spotted girls and a silver classic boy who is incredibly striking... Introducing CH/GP Emau's Spottted Treasure of Emaugine,
Comet And Shai - One of A Kind... or more precisely GP RW Emau's One-Of-A Kind!
He is the result of Comet taking things into her own capable and stubborn little paws. She looks sweet and innocent but I no longer let that fool me.... We really felt she deserved a rest - after all, she just finished raising nine (her four and Spirit's five) and they were only just 6 months old now... But Comet can go where Comet wants when she puts her mind to it and Comet decided she was going to visit the boys.... An oops from the start, it really wasn't clear whether she was truly pregnant - she got HUGE, but not hard... The day after Thanksgiving we discovered why it had been so tough to figure out "is she or isn't she?" - just one silver baby boy in that huge belly. Quite a shocker... She simply was not impressed with a solo child and we ended up giving him to the ever patient Cheetah... Well, the little man went through three "mommas": not counting Bob and Linda who birthed him and me who supplemented him, but it does not seem to have hurt him in the least. Once Super Mom Khepri took over he started to really flourish... The sight of his wide snausage little body trundling after the far older, larger girls in Khepir's litter was hilarious; he tried so hard to keep up with the "big girls". Pyramid was his special buddy... Comet and Soleil - two sweethearts together for the first time....Create Magic and More! GC RW Emau's Cirque De Soleil of Hajja (Purr)
GP RW Emau's Do You Believe In Magic?
Sometimes you just have to believe in magic.... The 1999/2000 season was kind of that kind of year and the litter by Soleil, out of Comet, was one more example... So... just as it had to be "Emau's Back to the Future" for our lovely Future, the boys in this litter were Do You Believe in Magic and You Have To Believe It's Magic! Our fairy tale boy...! It's Magic as a baby! The only heartache of this litter may actually turn out to be a fairy tale... The cat I arguably felt was pick of the litter never really showed due to personal problems for his people... Then at the tender age of 2 years, he re-debuted and made almost half of the points he needed to grand in his first show out in over a year and half! We have high hopes that circumstances and he will cooperate to give him the title he so richly deserves!.
More Magic- with big sister Pounce....
The whole crew....
It really was quite a litter! and it all started with lots of spots and a legacy of sweetness.... Here they are as small babies....
And the first litter... Comet and Trapper