GC Emau's Bohemian Rhapsody

GC Emau's Kyrie, DM  X GC Sansih Twice A Brat

Raven Grands...

GC Emau's Saga Of La Mau

See below  or click for pictures of Pele  - Raven daughter looking for a new home as a new kitten and currently as a lovely adult....



GP Emau's Candle In The Wind

Indy Lives with Elena in California. He was highest scoring Egyptian Mau in Premiership at the 2005 CFA International Show in San Mateo and an 8 month old "baby" grand... We have high hopes that his sister Emau's INXS Of Karmau will join him in the grand ranks soon!

Raven's 1st litter and Epic's too!

gave us GC Emau's Saga Of Mautrix

Saga is the foundation stud for the Egyptian Mau in Australia...



her sec

Three silver babies so very outgoing and friendly.... Spotty too...

Baby Pele Pele as a kitten

Two little boys as bookends...

The two brothers...

Pele - the little silver girl all grown up and looking for a home... Her current owners have a new baby and the change in situation is stressing Miss Pele out a bit... She is loving and sweet and wants a wonderful home where she can be loved and cherished...


Pele has the wonderful Raven personality Beautiful expression and some rufousing on her silver coat...



Raven and Trump - the brilliant litter

Three silver babies so very outgoing and friendly.... Spotty too...

GP Emau's Candle In The Wind and GC Emau's INXS show promise in the show ring...


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Emau cattery



Current Show Season


Retired cats

Co-owned cats

Show history

Grand Gallery 2023-2028

Grand Gallery 2017-2022

Grand Gallery 2011-2016

Grand Gallery 2006-2011

Grand Gallery 2001-2005

Grand Gallery 1995-2001

Contact Emau