
These fabulous cats are all courtesy of Khepri

GP Emau's Ghostwriter - Owned and loved by Jenny, Morgan and Christie, Newport VA-GC Emau's Mausaic - Spirit - Our first GrandGP Emau's Abi Almustafa - Owned and loved by Bob and Carol, New England

CH Emau's Back to the Future - Our current star
GC,RW, Emau's Back To The FutureGC,BW RW Emau's Mau Pounce For The Ounce, DMGC BW Emau's Kyrie, DM

Khepri loves being a mother second only to hounding us....


A Very pregnant Khepri - day 64...


Khepri and Shai - A Kyrie repeat!!!

Nobody does it like Pasha K... Mother extreme, she has her three new boys settled into the middle of the bed... She alternates between moving them out of the covers and under the covers and periodically comes out into the kitchen to see what is going on, but for the most part she keeps an eagle eye on her three youngest children... The youngest of this current swarm of kittens, they already outweigh all the others!! Khepri does not allow them to want or to cry... Which is nice, since we sleep curled around them... Have to admit, I have rarely seen anything so spotty as the first silver boy when he came out the sack - reminds me in a big way of another notable kitten about a year and a half ago - that child became our one and only GC BW Emau's Kyrie... This boy looks pretty promising as well!!!

There is something so very special about our Pasha K with babies... She is in her element with sucklings under paw... It's funny you know, someone said once that one of the wonderful things about Maus is that while ALL kittens are cute and beautitful and Mau kittens are no exception, the Maus are one of those special breeds that become MORE beautiful as they mature... Looking at Khepri nursing her babies I have to nod my head in complete agreement... It is hard to imagine anything more stunning... Of course, come to think of it, I was the one who made that initial comment, so of course I agree <g>. Although looking at her below, I'd hazard a guess most of you would agree as well!!


Khepri and Soleil... Magic again

The second match with Soleil gave us a very special litter of five... And in that litter was Emau's Amauzing Grace... A cat with the face of an angel and a sweet, loving, sensitive personality that embodied the soul of "Mau" Grace's first show was the International... She finalled there in her first ring out of hundreds of kittens and went on to have quite a promising beginning to a kitten career and then she developed a pyometra and had to be spayed... She makes her home now in DC and bring laughter and love to all who meet her... 

Grace with big sister Pounce....A closer look at that incredible face...




Khepri daughter Extraordinaire

Shai's first litter... At least we know the Teaser son is not shooting blanks! Two contrasty silvers - larger the moment they were born than Spirit's older babies... Huge, healthy spotty. a boy and a girl, both silvers... Khepri is now raising four of Spirit's babies.

Khepri with her two and four of Spirit'sGrandma Khepri with her brood of six!


Pasha K is once again proving that she is the ultimate motherThe boys are busy and Khepri is in 7th Heaven


Kyrie grows up...Doesn't She remind you of half sister Pounce??

Khepri and Soleil .....An interesting crew of Heart thieves!

Difficult to describe Pounce's difficult, but endearing personalityperhaps the expression above does it best..

Soleil's first litter!!! After 24 straight days of cycling we gave in and let Khepri initiate him. The first match of our Canadian boy with the gentle purr and green green eyes with our one and only Pasha K. produced a little one that wormed her way into my heart and home the day she was born: GC BW RW Emau's Mau Pounce For The Ounce, DM is the perfect combination of Soleil's sweet gentle nature and Khepri's spunky intelligent self... It's hard to describe this crew of five - lovely and ethereal like their father probably comes closest. Can't quite manage a picture that captures the incredible personalities though - so sweet and gentle and incredibly curious and interactive - at a very early age...


Well, this crew has that food priority thing down pat!

 Introducing.... Our newest flirt .... Emau's Mau Pounce For The Ounce!

Pounce purred at 8 days
She's always on the move - purr accompanies..
Pounce at five weeks....First to eat cat food - first to try her teeth on thumbs as wellher next step? to drag it off to her lair... So confusing to her little self when it wouldn't come!

My Pounce...This one has a way about her...
Five weeks old and ready to slay dragons..

at the tender age of ten weeks...

Heaven help the judges when this little girl hits the stands! She's a killer with a teaser...


More 11 week old flirt.....


Pounce with the little ones...Oh those gorgeous eyes....

I do love beautiful green eyes!can you see the "trouble" that radiatesfrom this busy child?!

Almost ready for her show debut - just two short weeks away...

Khepri and Trapper - The second time....Could it be - Back to the Future?! Most definitely!!!


Selkes at left, then Keeper, then the three Khepri silvers, Future, Seren, and Merrah...
Two of the Khepri silvers - Seren and Merrah

 Yes, we went back to where it all began - the match that created Spirit and Ghost... can't argue with success. This time around - FIVE. Four silvers and a smoke! Per usual, Khepri initially installed the five on our bed and even though it was king size, we ran out of room fast. She was pleased as punch with herself - loved to snuggle with them under the comforter. Weaning and litterbox training, were, however issues that became crisis at around four weeks!! Both David and I drew the line at putting a training box on our bed! Actually, Khepri was more than willing to be reasonable - since she got her way for the first three weeks. Somewhere around four weeks the babies enter the dreaded "fuzzy uglies". They are cute as bugs, but their incredible spots go into hiding behind fuzzy kitten coats and will not reappear in their final glory until close to 16 weeks of age .... At four weeks of age, however we do start to see real personalities develop!


Khepri with four week old babies Khepri - and her four week old snausages...

Khepri getting a little love from Seren

Merrah and Future battle it out for a space at the milk bar...

Oh those eyes Khepri's girl Merrah at 11 weeks
Khepri has done it again.... Merrah has a fabulous head.Future is trouble - but oh so sweet!...Merrah in rare repose!

   Khepri girls....

Khepri's girl - my next show cat???? Smoke girl
Emau's Back to the Future You can see more of Future in the Show Scene page...Smoke Phenom, Kiya...




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Grand Gallery 2023-2028

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Grand Gallery 2011-2016

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Grand Gallery 1995-2001

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