2013/2014 Season
Please join me in celebrating a very special girl JADE Highest ranking Egyptian Mau in Championship ever.... National Winner and Best of Breed GC BW NW Emau's Strike A Pose Of - CFA's Best Egyptian Mau, 9th Best Cat and 14th Best Kitten. S.R. Best Cat and 4th Best Kitten Jade is my last Lark daughter... She is a third generation National winner and truly and inspiration for me....
2015/2016 also brought us two very special DM's Mother and daughter... GC BW NW Emau's Touch The Sun, DM - Lark (4th generation) and GC For Your Eyes Only, DM - Wren (fifth generation)
We also celebrate our newest grands GP Emau's Thunderball - our centennial Grand - thank you to Caroline for helping make our 100th Grand a reality the first weekend of May! GC Emau's Covergirl Of Emauge - Lark's fifth Grand... and GC BW NW Emau's Strike A Pose Of Emauge - Larks sixth grand
We are eternally grateful to Pat and Tim who show our kids with such skill and love... ' F |