The 2000/2001Show Scene

2000/2001 SEASON Show Stars... 

It really was quite a year... a real testament to teamwork and family all around... We had an incredible number of very special people help make it an unbelievable year... The logistics were mind-boggling, the cats were incredible and despite the fact that rumour has it that the "Maubob" team's other nickname became the "Stepford Wives" we had a number of exceptional cats with their own special strengths wow the judges and spectators alike... Nothing will ever quite top the experience of DMing Khepri and granding Pounce simultaneously, but DMing Comet and thus making Khepri and Comet the girst mother/daughter DMs ever, came pretty darn close!!! Lots of tears - of joy... and relief... Treasure did not make it easy! Granding four cats in August was pretty much over the top as well - and the one Day grand on Uno was incredible, but the probably the most emotional of all was taking Pounce and the girls to the International and having Pounce not only show.. but come home the 26th best cat overall as well as sweeping championship with a one-two-three punch, Pounce, Kyrie and Pyramid... We called it the "Dancing on Air season and there was plenty of reason to dance... as well as many heroes to thank and cats to love... 

2000 International:

Best Egyptian Mau in Championship: GC Emau's Mau Pounce For The Ounce

Also 26th Best cat overall with a 3rd Best and a 13th Best cat

2nd Best Egyptian Mau in Championship: GC Emau's Kyrie

3rd Best Egyptian Mau in Championship: GC Emau's Pyramid Scheme

Best Egyptian Mau in Premiership: GP Emau's One-Of-A Kind

Also a 3rd best cat

2nd Best Egyptian Mau Kitten: Emau's Lord Osiris

Also an 8th Best kitten

3rd Best Egyptian Mau kitten (at her debut show!): Emau's Amauzing Grace

Also a 19th Best kitten

Kansas City in the year 2000.... an unbelievable three days that could not have been scripted with more melodrama or emotion.... When we packed the car for the 18 hour drive we were loaded to the Gills... In the car we had 8 incredible Maus including my Pounce and believe you me, with such precious cargo, we drove CAREFULLY! The entire weekend seemed destined to be the show finale that Pounce and I never had... Incredibly emotional for me and indescribably sweet.

Although she had not shown since the end of the last season and, in fact was still kind of nursing her babies, Pounce took the long trip and re-introduction back to show right in stride... I'll never forget taking her to the first ring... I had already put Kyrie and Pyramid up and all the other Maus in Championship were already up as well - So when I went back to get her I was all alone (thank goodness!) I took her out to groom her and she looked around the showhall with her startling green eyes as if she owned it and then settled in my arms in her old show pose; like Cleopatra lounging on a dias - stretched from tip to stern... As I took that long walk thorugh the huge hall to the ring I did so with tears of emotion straming down my face... It was just so right... Can't tell you how glad I was that everyone was already up at the ring watching the beginning of the class and thank goodness at the International we enter the rings from the back - gave me a chance to compose myself... She took BOB in that ring which was a harbinger of the way things were to go for her all weekend long. It was to be "her" weekend. By the end of the day she was actually not only highest scoring Mau, but 4th highest scoring SH cat in show thanks to two finals including a 3rd Best cat!!! Talk about an unbelievable re-debut! It was a dream come true for me... She ended up 26th highest scoring cat in show and a convincing Best Mau in Championship and I was dancing for joy... Perhaps even more amazing was roomates Kyrie and Pyramid finished 1, 2 behind her, so we actually ended up taking all three Championship awards! Judges even got them in the right order! The rest of the crew did us proud as well - Uno ended up Best Mau in Premiership against some lovely grands and took home a coveted 3rd Best cat final and Osiris and Grace ended up 2nd and 3rd Best Mau kittens. Impressively, both finalled in a class of over 300 kittens!! Not a bad debut for little Grace who was just 4 months and a minute... Quite an incredible show... Had hoped one day to have a cat good enough to take Breed at the International, but had never imagined that I'd have a cat good enough to FINAL there against the best of the best... so to have FOUR cats final at the same International was beyond my wildest imaginings... Sure made that all night drive home Sunday easier to take!


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2000-2001 Season

2000-2001 Season

1999-2000 Season

Pre 1999 show results


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