2000/2001 SEASON Show Stars... Do YOU Believe in Magic?... We DO!!!! Congrats to Our first One Show Grand!!!!
Atoly actually granded at the end of the 1999/2000 "magic" season - It truly was quite a year - so many wonderful successes, it was quite overwhelming... but the last thing we expected was to have Atolycus go out and set the world afire like he did in Charlotte the first weekend of February... A true tribute to teamwork in the best sense of the word, Pat's silver boy put it all together at just the right time and the rewards, were.... well unbelievable. At his first show as a premier he went six for six and granded with points to spare. So very special and so many wonderful people were a part of the joy: Pat's and Tim did a fabulous job conditioning the sweet boy, both physically and mentally. They also did a fabulous job maintaining his weight with regulated food. Mark Lovelace, owner of Taphe and Mir helped immensely by generously loaning his one cat emissary, Mir when Atoly made it clear that he needed some exposure to other cats and my Nikita filled in when Mir had to return to his own home.... Who'd a thunk... and the magic continues... Congratulations to GC RW Emau's Cirque De Soleil of Hajja!!!!
Purr, Atoly's littermate granded in style near the end of the 1999/2000 season as well! In doing so she earned herself the honor not only of Grand Champion, but second Best Egyptian Mau for Region 1 - right behind Aunt Future!
GP RW Emau's One-Of-A Kind! Not only a one SHOW, but a one DAY GRAND! Uno knows how to impress the judges!!!
A truly thrilling cat who has us all very excited, GP Emau's One of A Kind, owned by Tami and Doug Green.... Uno granded on Saturday the 2nd weekend of August, his half sister Kyrie granded on the same day as well! This cat has it all - presence, body, coat, contrast, personality and Tami has presented him to perfection. We have high hopes that he too will bring home a regional Win. Heended up one a Regional winner in region 7 and made us all proud... GP Emau's Chiaroscuro - a lady among the big boys!
and in championship..... GC BW Emau's Kyrie & GC Emau's Pyramid Scheme!
Well, Kyrie and UNo granded easily in early August so not to be outdone, two weeks later, Littermates Pyramid and Chiaro granded on the same weekend as well!!! In doing so, they made their mother, CH Matiki's Mia Cheetah of Emau, DM the 6th Distinguished Merit cat in the history of her breed and made Emau the only cattery in the history of the breed to have two DM's at once! August 2000 truly has to be a month for the memory album: 4 grands,( inlcuding a One DAY grand) AND a DM in three short weeks... Phew, no wonder we are so exhausted!!! We are so very proud of the kids! Kyrie ended up 29th Best cat in Region 7, Region 7 Best of Breed and National Best of Breed... we are very proud of our Kyrie bird... She has been a joy to show and is the epitomy of elegance... Perhaps most exciting of all is that there are stars on the horizon that look to be shining very bright indeed!!! Rising Stars.... GP Emau's Calisto of Emauge
Calisto granded easily at 8 months of age and waited patiently for her roomamte, Atolycus (Do You Believe In Magic?) to finish his campaign so she could start her own... CH, GP Emau's Spotted Treasure of Emaugine, ended up being the DMing cat for her mother. When she granded in March she put both herself and her mother, Comet into the history books - Comet's DM made the first mother/daughter DMs ever - the highest tribute one can achieve in a breeding program to my mind... GP Emau's Lord Osiris
Emau's Amauzing Grace is my latest show kitten... She debuted at the International as a 4 month old and amazed me with a final in her very first ring. She ended up 3rd Best Egyptian Mau kitten despite being utterly terrified by the crowds and the commotion of the huge convention center...Grace is a gentle soul with the face of an angel... she gains confidence with every show and has been doing quite well. Two lovely sisters: Grace and Pounce
2000 International: Best Egyptian Mau in Championship: GC Emau's MAu Pounce For The Ounce Also 26th Best cat overall with a 3rd Best and a 13th Best cat 2nd Best Egyption Mau in Championship: GC Emau's Kyrie 3rd Best Egyptian Mau in Championship: GC Emau's Pyramid Scheme Best Egyptian Mau in Premiership: GP Emau's One-Of-A Kind Also a 3rd best cat 2nd Best Egyptian Mau Kitten: Emau's Lord Osiris Also an 8th Best kitten 3rd Best Egyptian Mau kitten (at her debut show!): Emau's Amauzing Grace Also a 19th Best kitten Kansas City in the year 2000.... an unbelievable three days that could not have been scripted with more melodrama or emotion.... When we packed the car for the 18 hour drive we were loaded to the Gills... In the car we had 8 incredible Maus including my Pounce and believe you me, with such precious cargo, we drove CAREFULLY! The entire weekend seemed destined to be the show finale that Pounce and I never had... Incredilbe emotional for me and indescribably sweet. Although she had not shown since the end of the last season and, in fact was still kind of nursing her babies, Pounce took the long trip and re-introduction back to show rright in stride... I'll never forget taking her to the first ring... I had already put Kyrie and Pyramid up and all the other Maus in Championship were already up as well - So when I went back to get her I was all alone (thank goodness!) I took her out to groom her and she looked around the showhall with her startling green eyes as if she owned it and then settled in my arms in her old show pose; like Cleopatra lounging on a dias - stretched from tip to stern... As I took that long walk thorugh the huge hall to hte ring I did so with tears of emotion straming down my face... It was just so right... Can't tell you how glad I was that everyone was already up at the ring watching the beginning of the class and thank goodness at the International we enter the rings from the back - gave me a chance to compose myself... She took BOB in that ring which was a harbinger of the way things were to go for her all weekend long. It was to be "her" weekend. By the end of the day she was actually not only highest scoring Mau, but 4th highest scoring SH cat in show thanks to two finals including a 3rd Best cat!!! Talk about an unbelievable re-debut! It was a dream come true for me... She ended up 26th highest scoring cat in show and a convincing Best Mau in Championship and I was dancing for joy... Perhaps even more amazing was roomates Kyrie and Pyramid finished 1, 2 behind her, so we actually ended up taking all three Championship awards! Judges even got them in the right order! The rest of the crew did us proud as well - Uno ended up Best Mau in Premiership against some lovely grands and took home a coveted 3rd Best cat final and Osiris and Grace ended up 2nd and 3rd Best Mau kittens. Impressively, both finalled in a class of over 300 kittens!! Not a bad debut for little Grace who was just 4 months and a minute... Quite an incredible show... Had hoped to have a cat good enough to take Breed at the International, but had never imagined that I'd have a cat good enough to FINAL there against the best of the best... so to have FOUR cats final at the same International was beyond my wildest imaginings... Sure made that all night drive home Sunday easier to take!