CFA’s 16 Best Cat

 GC, BW, NW Emau’s So You Think You Can Dance (AKA “Tyce”) has a name so long that it didn’t leave room for Pat’s and my cattery name as a suffix, Emauge.  All the kittens produced by his father had to have some form of Dance in the name and apparently this particular name was a special one his breeder had saved for a special cat and I have to say that Tyce was a truly a special cat. He is a beautiful trusting boy that represented the Egyptian Mau breed at the highest level during the 2011-2012 season. 

I met Tyce when he granded in March 2011.  Tyce is from the famed Emau cattery and has a star-studded pedigree that is hard to believe.  His sire is GC, GP, NW Emau’s Dancin in the Dark of Mautrix, DM (AKA “Dell”) and his dam is GC, BW, NW Emau’s Minuet, DM.   Dell is one of those cats that likes to reset history and thinks that the world revolves around him while  Minuet is one of those sweet self effacing types. Tyce took after his mother.  It is hard ot imagine a more generous  or loving cat.   He has a way of looking at you with those huge green eyes that makes you feel like the world is all about you… 

In May 2011, I was returning from a business trip to Bangkok and stopped over in Honolulu.  I spoke with breeder Melanie Morgan about showing Tyce for a potential “national” run.  We both felt that this beautiful boy had that special “something” that would not only enable him to succeed in the ring but would promote the breed at the highest level.  In short, he was the perfect ambassador for the breed and she did not feel like she could do him justice.  After talking it over with Pat, I decided to take the opportunity and run with it.  He was one of those cats that was worth it whatever it entailed.    While many Egyptian Maus shown over the past few years run to the extreme ends of the breed standards, Tyce is set beautifully in the middle.  His biggest strength other than his wonderful temperament, was his balance.  A truly moderate cat he sat right in the middle of the standard and represented it perfectly from his stunning head to the tip of his tail.  I remember that after I received that initial call with the offer of this special cat I went out and bought a set of Hawaiian shirts that lasted through the season.

Tyce exhibited some very interesting traits while on-the-road.  Upon returning to BWI from a St. Louis show we sat in the car with him loose to stretch his legs.  As I drank from a bottle of water he came into my lap and insisted on getting water for himself.  I poured a little water into the bottle cap and he lapped it up and looked for more.  Thus started a habit that could be seen in show halls for the rest of the season.  A newspaper photographer even got a picture of Tyce drinking from his bottle cap while at the Ft. Myers, FL show.  We certainly had our routines. Many of which revolved around water strangely enough.  Before bringing him into the hotel room I would set up his water fountain, his big litter box and his toys… Always a gentleman he went through manic periods of wild play usually around 4AM… hotel rooms were a favorite part of the season for him. 

Tyce was at the top of the standings for much of the early season and I could not have asked for a better show cat. Until late in his run he was trusting and confident and loved everything about showing. Our goal from the beginning had been to reach 7000 points.  He was number one or two until January when he reached that magic number and we pulled him.  We spent the rest of the season cheering on the lovely cats we had met along the way and preparing his younger sister, GC Emau’s Hope You Dance Of Emauge for her chance to see what she could do in the upcoming season… Tyce ended up 16th Best Cat aand in so doing became the first National Winning Egyptian Mau with two national winning parents. 


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